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Can You Relate?

I feel stressed, and I don’t know why


I react to things easily and not like my normal self


I keep getting caught up in negative or unhelpful thinking – all I see is the worst-case scenario


I keep playing over scenarios and wishing I had done something else


I overthink and worry about a lot of things


I feel down but don't think I'm depressed


I often feel close to tears


I have no capacity to cope and have no tolerance for anything or anyone


My emotions are all over the place


I can't focus or pay attention to one thing and have brain fog during the day

Our mind is hard-wired to protect ourselves to survive, causing us to filter and pay more attention to unhelpful or negative experiences (i.e. thoughts and emotions). We can get consumed by struggling to understand our experience and wanting to know why it is happening. Ever noticed how you reason and try to change your thoughts and emotions? We do this thinking our efforts will reduce our stress or unwanted experience. 


Our body's stress response reacts by sending more threatening messages to your mind/brain to be interpreted. You end up with side effects like wanting to cry and not knowing why, being more reactive, a sense something bad is going to happen, brain fog (i.e. attention, concentration, memory, decision making), unexplained tiredness, no motivation, wanting to isolate and withdrawal from others. This becomes problematic when your stress normalises or is long-term, and you find you get more stressed more easily.


Sound familiar? If this is you, I can offer a general well-being toolkit for immediate relief and developing your resilience to cope overall.


  • Reflective perspective-taking on your situation and reaction to it

  • Immediate relief in overwhelming situations so you can respond instead of being reactive

  • Identify your mindset style and help develop a more helpful and productive mindset

  • Develop mindful 'healthy' attention training and activities to manage unhelpful and unwanted experiences

  • Change your relationship and the way you engage with unhelpful thoughts and emotions

  • Find your why or purpose and the legacy you want to be known for

  • Invest in value-based actions or behaviours

  • Turn off your stress response and actively turn on your relaxation response for better mind-body traffic

  • Learn how your brain deals with emotions and logic/facts

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