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Can You Relate?


Having to be involved in euthanasia or mass euthanasia in a day. Depending on the

circumstances this can lead to a moral injury.


Working under pressure and having no time between patients to take a break and

the previous one was hard or sad


Feeling you need to always be at your best in front of others


Having to listen to pet owners describe a pet's traumatic situations


Seeing pets who are distressed


Seeing a pet who has been neglected or something could have made a difference if the owner had taken action sooner. But you are expected to save their pet.


Trying to decide when it is the right time to stop treatment


Being concerned or scared of pets who are aggressive


Discussing difficult and/or bad news


Having to justify the costs of a pet's care


Trying to support and manage pet owner's reactions when they are struggling with indecision, loss and grief, anger and blame, feeling like you have to be their therapist



You feel overwhelmed, stressed or emotional


Worry about what pet owners think if they leave unhappy, judge you and what they might say about you


You are experiencing imposter syndrome


Not recognising your level of stress and reacting out of character


Sometimes feel neutral about the trauma involved in your work and wonder why


Getting caught up dissecting, reliving or not able to stop thinking about cases


Feeling responsible if things didn't go as you thought or would have liked


Turn on the sound to hear Shadow

I'm invested in looking after your well-being. I'm aware that animal care professionals (ACP) are faced with unique work with many complexities that can significantly impact on your well-being. This is often not understood or appreciated and leaves you open to challenging your well-being threshold, getting easily stressed, experiencing compassion fatigue, and being exposed to secondary trauma and burnout.


I value working collaboratively, leveraging my extensive experience, offering evidence-based therapies, and tailoring strategies to address your specific needs.  My aim is for you to feel confident in knowing what to do, why it works and when to take action for your self-care. Let me support you in navigating your way to living well while having the capacity to do your work the way that’s important to you, thus meeting your sense of purpose.


  • Individual Tailored Sessions


  • ACP Well-Being Workshops

    • Increase your awareness of self-care needs based on evidence-based knowledge and strategies 

    • Helps you develop confidence in knowing what to do, why it works, and when to do it

    • Understanding your role in your well-being

    • Supports your workplace to develop a well-being context


For example,


  • Ways to normalise workplace well-being

  • Developing a well-being environment at work

  • Managing difficult interactions with pet owners

  • Managing your reactions so you feel you respond

  • the way you want and not react

  • Immediate relief strategies and daily resets

  • Living your legacy (what you want to be known for)

  • Understanding possible workplace side effects: compassion fatigue, cumulative stress, secondary trauma and burnout

  • Work debriefing and peer supervision to get perspective


  • Understand what is well-being

  • Learn how your well-being can change

  • How to recognise your stress levels and warning signs

  • How prevention can reduce related workplace side effects

  • Self-care strategies: mindful relaxation, physical activity, sense of purpose (thought and emotion care) and compassion, social support at home

  • Communicating your self-care needs and the type of support you need


  • For the team

  • For your self-care


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